Debug.Log Extensions
Documentation (1.1.9)

◆ LogFormat() [5/5]

static void Debug.LogFormat ( int  channel1,
int  channel2,
Object  context,
string  format,
params object[]  args 

Logs a message to the Console on the given channels, formed by inserting the values of args zero or more objects into a format text string.

public IEnumerator PlaySoundEffect(float delay, AudioId audioId) { Debug.Log(Channel.Audio, Channel.Sfx, "Playing {0} in {1} seconds.", audioId, delay);

yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);

audioController.Play(audioId); }

channel1The first channel to which the message belongs.
channel2The second channel to which the message belongs.
contextObject to which the message applies.

If you pass a context argument that Object will be momentarily highlighted in the Hierarchy window when you click the log message in the Console.

formatA composite format string based on which the message is generated.

Each format item inside the string is replaced by the value of the argument at the same index.

A format item consists of braces ("{" and "}") containing the index of the argument whose value should be inserted into the format string at that location.

argsZero or more objects to be converted to string and inserted into the format composite format string.