Scripting Reference
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Sisus.Init.Initializer< TClient, TFirstArgument, TSecondArgument, TThirdArgument, TFourthArgument, TFifthArgument > Class Template Reference


A base class for a component that can can specify the argument used to initialize an object that implements IInitializable<TArgument>.

A base class for a component that can specify the five arguments used to initialize an object that implements IInitializable<TFirstArgument, TSecondArgument, TThirdArgument, TFourthArgument, TFifthArgument>.

A base class for a component that can can specify the four arguments used to initialize an object that implements IInitializable<TFirstArgument, TSecondArgument, TThirdArgument, TFourthArgument>.

A base class for a component that can can specify the three arguments used to initialize an object that implements IInitializable<TFirstArgument, TSecondArgument, TThirdArgument>.

A base class for a component that can can specify the two arguments used to initialize an object that implements IInitializable<TFirstArgument, TSecondArgument>.

The argument gets injected to the TClient client during the Awake event.

The client receives the argument via the Init method where it can assign them to a member field or property.

After the argument has been injected the Initializer<,> is removed from the GameObject that holds it.

Template Parameters
TClientType of the initialized client component.
TArgumentType of the argument received by the client component.

The arguments get injected to the TClient client during the Awake event.

The client receives the arguments via the Init method where it can assigned them to member fields or properties.

After the arguments have been injected the Initializer<,,> is removed from the GameObject that holds it.

Template Parameters
TClientType of the initialized client component.
TFirstArgumentType of the first argument received by the client component.
TSecondArgumentType of the second argument received by the client component.

The arguments get injected to the TClient client during the Awake event.

The client receives the arguments via the Init method where it can assigned them to member fields or properties.

After the arguments have been injected the Initializer<,,,> is removed from the GameObject that holds it.

Template Parameters
TClientType of the initialized client component.
TFirstArgumentType of the first argument received by the client component.
TSecondArgumentType of the second argument received by the client component.
TThirdArgumentType of the third argument received by the client component.

The arguments get injected to the TClient client during the Awake event.

The client receives the arguments via the Init method where it can assigned them to member fields or properties.

After the arguments have been injected the Initializer<,,,,> is removed from the GameObject that holds it.

Template Parameters
TClientType of the initialized client component.
TFirstArgumentType of the first argument received by the client component.
TSecondArgumentType of the second argument received by the client component.
TThirdArgumentType of the third argument received by the client component.
TFourthArgumentType of the fourth argument received by the client component.

The arguments get injected to the TClient client during the Awake event.

The client receives the arguments via the Init method where it can assigned them to member fields or properties.

After the arguments have been injected the Initializer<,,,,,> is removed from the GameObject that holds it.

Template Parameters
TClientType of the initialized client component.
TFirstArgumentType of the first argument received by the client component.
TSecondArgumentType of the second argument received by the client component.
TThirdArgumentType of the third argument received by the client component.
TFourthArgumentType of the fourth argument received by the client component.
TFifthArgumentType of the fifth argument received by the client component.
Type Constraints
TClient :MonoBehaviour 
TClient :IInitializable 
TClient :TFirstArgument 
TClient :TSecondArgument 
TClient :TThirdArgument 
TClient :TFourthArgument 
TClient :TFifthArgument 
Inheritance diagram for Sisus.Init.Initializer< TClient, TFirstArgument, TSecondArgument, TThirdArgument, TFourthArgument, TFifthArgument >:
Sisus.Init.IInitializer Sisus.Init.MonoBehaviour< TFirstArgument, TSecondArgument, TThirdArgument, TFourthArgument, TFifthArgument > Sisus.Init.IInitializer Sisus.Init.MonoBehaviour< TFirstArgument, TSecondArgument, TThirdArgument, TFourthArgument, TFifthArgument > Sisus.Init.IInitializer Sisus.Init.MonoBehaviour< TFirstArgument, TSecondArgument, TThirdArgument, TFourthArgument, TFifthArgument > Sisus.Init.IInitializer Sisus.Init.MonoBehaviour< TFirstArgument, TSecondArgument, TThirdArgument, TFourthArgument, TFifthArgument > Sisus.Init.IInitializer Sisus.Init.MonoBehaviour< TFirstArgument, TSecondArgument, TThirdArgument, TFourthArgument, TFifthArgument >

Protected Member Functions

virtual void InitTarget (TArgument argument)
 Initializes the target using the provided argument. More...
virtual void InitTarget (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument)
 Initializes the target using the provided arguments. More...
virtual void InitTarget (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument)
 Initializes the target using the provided arguments. More...
virtual void InitTarget (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument, TFourthArgument fourthArgument)
 Initializes the target using the provided arguments. More...
virtual void InitTarget (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument, TFourthArgument fourthArgument, TFifthArgument fifthArgument)
 Initializes the target using the provided arguments. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Sisus.Init.MonoBehaviour< TFirstArgument, TSecondArgument, TThirdArgument, TFourthArgument, TFifthArgument >
abstract void Init (TArgument argument)
 Provides the Component with the argument object that it depends on. More...
virtual void OnReset ()
 Reset state to default values. More...
virtual void OnAwake ()
 OnAwake is called when the script instance is being loaded during the Awake event after the Init function has finished. More...
abstract void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument)
 Provides the Component with the objects that it depends on. More...
virtual void OnReset ()
 Reset state to default values. More...
virtual void OnAwake ()
 OnAwake is called when the script instance is being loaded during the Awake event after the Init function has finished. More...
abstract void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument)
 Provides the Component with the objects that it depends on. More...
virtual void OnReset ()
 Reset state to default values. More...
virtual void OnAwake ()
 OnAwake is called when the script instance is being loaded during the Awake event after the Init function has finished. More...
abstract void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument, TFourthArgument fourthArgument)
 Provides the Component with the objects that it depends on. More...
virtual void OnReset ()
 Reset state to default values. More...
virtual void OnAwake ()
 OnAwake is called when the script instance is being loaded during the Awake event after the Init function has finished. More...
abstract void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument, TFourthArgument fourthArgument, TFifthArgument fifthArgument)
 Provides the Component with the objects that it depends on. More...
virtual void OnReset ()
 Reset state to default values. More...
virtual void OnAwake ()
 OnAwake is called when the script instance is being loaded during the Awake event after the Init function has finished. More...


Object Target [get]
 Existing target instance to initialize, if any. More...
- Properties inherited from Sisus.Init.MonoBehaviour< TFirstArgument, TSecondArgument, TThirdArgument, TFourthArgument, TFifthArgument >
TArgument this[[NotNull] string memberName [set]
 Assigns an argument received during initialization to a field or property by the memberName given name. More...
object this[[NotNull] string memberName [set]
 Assigns an argument received during initialization to a field or property by the memberName given name. More...
- Properties inherited from Sisus.Init.IInitializer
Object Target [get]
 The existing target instance that is getting initialized, if any. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Sisus.Init.IInitializable< TArgument >
void Init (TArgument argument)
 Initializes the object with an object that it depends on. More...
void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument)
 Initializes the object with two objects that it depends on. More...
void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument)
 Initializes the object with three objects that it depends on. More...
void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument, TFourthArgument fourthArgument)
 Initializes the object with four objects that it depends on. More...
void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument, TFourthArgument fourthArgument, TFifthArgument fifthArgument)
 Initializes the object with five objects that it depends on. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sisus.Init.IInitializable< TFirstArgument, TSecondArgument >
void Init (TArgument argument)
 Initializes the object with an object that it depends on. More...
void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument)
 Initializes the object with two objects that it depends on. More...
void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument)
 Initializes the object with three objects that it depends on. More...
void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument, TFourthArgument fourthArgument)
 Initializes the object with four objects that it depends on. More...
void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument, TFourthArgument fourthArgument, TFifthArgument fifthArgument)
 Initializes the object with five objects that it depends on. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sisus.Init.IInitializable< TFirstArgument, TSecondArgument, TThirdArgument >
void Init (TArgument argument)
 Initializes the object with an object that it depends on. More...
void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument)
 Initializes the object with two objects that it depends on. More...
void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument)
 Initializes the object with three objects that it depends on. More...
void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument, TFourthArgument fourthArgument)
 Initializes the object with four objects that it depends on. More...
void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument, TFourthArgument fourthArgument, TFifthArgument fifthArgument)
 Initializes the object with five objects that it depends on. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Sisus.Init.IInitializable< TFirstArgument, TSecondArgument, TThirdArgument, TFourthArgument >
void Init (TArgument argument)
 Initializes the object with an object that it depends on. More...
void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument)
 Initializes the object with two objects that it depends on. More...
void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument)
 Initializes the object with three objects that it depends on. More...
void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument, TFourthArgument fourthArgument)
 Initializes the object with four objects that it depends on. More...
void Init (TFirstArgument firstArgument, TSecondArgument secondArgument, TThirdArgument thirdArgument, TFourthArgument fourthArgument, TFifthArgument fifthArgument)
 Initializes the object with five objects that it depends on. More...