17. Target Window

  04. Features No Comments

By default Power Inspector windows displays the data of selected Unity Objects from both the Hierarchy and the Project views – just like the default inspector does.

However, it is also possible to restrict a Power Inspector window to only display data for Objects selected in either the Hierarchy or the Project view.

Separate Inspectors For Hierarchy And Project Views

This means that it’s possible to open two instances of the Power Inspector window, and set one to only display Objects selected in the Hierarchy view, and the other one to only display Objects selected in the Project view.

Having separate inspectors for the two windows has benefits such as:

  • Less Mouse Movement – Reduces the amount of mouse travel required to move the cursor over the relevant Inspector after changing the selected Object.
  • Easy Multi-Tasking – Makes it trivial to inspect the data of hierarchy Objects and assets at the same time. This also makes it easy to drag Object references or copy-paste values between the two windows.
  • Faster Navigation – Each window has separate navigation histories, making it easier to move between previously selected Objects.

Changing The Target Window

You can change the current Target Window of a Power Inspector window using the window context menu, accessible either by right-clicking its tab, or by clicking the context menu icon at the top-right corner of the window.