Determines what kind of prefix column resizer control should be used by Unity Object drawers that use member drawers (not an Editor) for drawing their class members?
Unity Object drawers powered by member drawers will have no control for adjusting the width of their their prefix column.
This is similar to how the default inspector works.
Always Top Only
A control for adjusting the width of the prefix column of Unity Object drawers powered by member drawers will be placed right below the header, above the body of the drawer.
Always Vertical (Default)
A vertical line will be drawn through the whole body of Unity Object drawers powered by member drawers for adjusting the width of their prefix column.
Unity Object drawers powered by member drawers will use a vertical line for adjusting the width of their prefix column if they have any visible member drawers that would not be “drawn over” this resize control.
If there are visible members that would not draw over a vertical resize control, then a control placed at the top will be used instead.
Certain drawers, like those for Property Drawers, Decorator Drawers and datasets, are drawn over the resize control to avoid overlapping between GUI elements.