Author : Timo Naskali

Initializers (and Any<TValue> fields) support cross-scene references. To create a cross-scene reference, open two scenes in the Editor, and drag-and-drop an component from one into an Initializer in another one. This will make Init(args) automatically create a globally unique identifier (Guid) for the dragged Object, and assign a value provider into the Initializer argument field, which ..

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Value providers are a highly flexible system that can be used to provide Init arguments to initializers dynamically at runtime. Creating Value Providers To make a new value provider, create a ScriptableObject that implements IValueProvider<TValue> or IValueByTypeProvider. In order to be able to create assets from your value provider, you’ll also need to add the [CreateAssetMenu] ..

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Issue Due to a limitation with Unity’s serialization system, embedded value providers cannot be serialized directly as part of prefab assets. Solution 1: Create Asset You can get around this limitation by adding the [CreateAssetMenu] attribute to your value provider, and creating assets to back them. You can then drag-and-drop the value provider assets into ..

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Issue You have a base class that depends on some services. You want to create a class that derives from that base class, and depends on some additional services on top of the ones that the base class does. class Base : MonoBehaviour { // The base class itself could depend on some services A ..

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Represents an object that can provide values of requested types on demand. A scriptable object or component that implements the IValueByTypeProvider interface can be assigned to an Initializer field, if IValueByTypeProvider.CanProvideValue returns true when provided the type of the field and a reference to the initializer. During initialization the Initializer will request the Init argument ..

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Issue Init(args) only supports passing a maximum of twelve arguments to a component that derives from MonoBehaviour<T…> or implements IInitializable<T…> during its initialization. What can you do if you have a legacy class that depends on more than twelve external objects, and you want to refactor the class to derive from MonoBehaviour<T…> and receive those ..

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When you register a global or a local service, you will always have to specify – either implicitly or explicitly – one or more defining types for it. In the below example, the Logger class is configured to be a global service with the defining types Logger and ILogger, by explicitly specifying the types in ..

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Services Component Another way to define scene services is through using the Services component. Start by adding the Services component to a GameObject in the scene and adding a new entry to its Provides Services list. Then drag the component you want to define as a Service to this list. If you drag a GameObject ..

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Defining a Local Service In addition to global services – which are guaranteed to be available to all clients for the entire lifetime of the application – Init(args) also supports defining local services using the Service Tag feature. Local services live as part of scene and prefab assets, and can have a more limited lifespan ..

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Services that can be registered for clients in Init(args) can be split into two categories: local and global services. A local service, is a service that is only available to select clients, depending on their location in scene hierarchies relative to the service. A local services can be registered in the following ways: By attaching ..

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