Category : 4. Clients

Init(args) contains new generic versions of the StateMachineBehaviour base class, extending it with the ability to receive up to six objects during initialization. For example the following AttackBehaviour class depends on an object that implements the IAttackable interface and a ScriptableObject asset of type AttackBehaviourSettings: public class AttackBehaviour : StateMachineBehaviour<IAttackable, AttackBehaviourSettings> When you create a ..

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Init(args) contains new generic versions of the ScriptableObject base class, extending it with the ability to specify upto six objects that the class depends on. For example the following GameEvent class depends on a string and a GameObject. public class GameEvent : ScriptableObject<string, GameObject> When you create a class that inherits from one of the ..

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Receiving Dependencies Init(args) extends the MonoBehaviour class with the ability to receive up to twelve arguments during its initialization, before any of its lifetime events are executed. To enable your component to receive objects passed to it from the outside, make the class derive from MonoBehaviour<>, and list the types of all the objects needed as ..

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