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Represents an object that can provide values of requested types on demand.

A scriptable object or component that implements the IValueByTypeProvider interface can be assigned to an Initializer field, if IValueByTypeProvider.CanProvideValue returns true when provided the type of the field and a reference to the initializer.

During initialization the Initializer will request the Init argument from the value provider, and pass it to the client’s Init method.


class GetComponent : ScriptableObject, IValueByTypeProvider
    public bool TryGetFor<TValue>(Component client, out TValue value)
        if(client == null)
            value = default;
            return false;
        return client.gameObject.TryGetComponent(out value);

    public bool CanProvideValue<TValue>(Component client)
        => client != null &&
           (typeof(Object).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TValue)) || typeof(TValue).IsInterface);

Use Cases

Value providers can provide functionality such as:

  • Cross-scene references.
  • Providing a reference to prefab instance that is only created at runtime.
  • Providing an asset that is loaded asynchronously using Addressables.
  • A generic service locator that lazily creates and returns requested services.
  • Providing a component found in the children of the client component.
  • And much more…

Here are some pre-existing IValueByTypeProvider implementations that come bundled with Init(args):

  • CrossSceneReference – Returns a reference to a component or game object that can located in a different scene than the client.
  • AddComponent – Attaches a new instance of the given type to the client’s game object and returns it.
  • GetComponent – returns an object of the requested type attached to the client’s game object.
  • GetOrAddComponent – Returns an object of the given type attached to the client’s game object if one is found; otherwise, attaches a new instance of the type to the client and returns it.
  • GetComponentInChildren – Returns an object of the requested type attached to the client’s game object or any of its children.
  • GetComponentInParent – Returns an object of the requested type attached to the client’s game object or any of its parents.
  • GetComponents – Returns all objects of the requested type attached to the client’s game object.
  • GetComponentsInChildren – Returns all objects of the given type attached to the client’s game object and all of its children.
  • GetComponentsInParent – Returns all objects of the given type attached to the client’s game object and all of its parents.
  • FindAnyObjectByType – Returns an object of the given type that is currently loaded using.

See Also:

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