Scripting Reference
Scripting Reference
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CAnyPropertyDrawerCustom property drawer for Any<T> that allows assigning any value to the property
 CGameObjectExtensionsExtensions methods for GameObject that can be used to add components with dependencies injected using reflection
 CInjectionUtilityUtility class for injecting values to fields and properties during initialization using reflection
 C_IntegerRepresents a simple wrapper for an int value that makes it serializable by Unity's serialization system when assigned to a System.Object type field that has the UnityEngine.SerializeReference attribute
 C_StringRepresents a simple wrapper for a string value that makes it serializable by Unity's serialization system when assigned to a System.Object type field that has the UnityEngine.SerializeReference attribute
 C_FloatRepresents a simple wrapper for a float value that makes it serializable by Unity's serialization system when assigned to a System.Object type field that has the UnityEngine.SerializeReference attribute
 C_BooleanRepresents a simple wrapper for a bool value that makes it serializable by Unity's serialization system when assigned to a System.Object type field that has the UnityEngine.SerializeReference attribute
 C_DoubleRepresents a simple wrapper for a double value that makes it serializable by Unity's serialization system when assigned to a System.Object type field that has the UnityEngine.SerializeReference attribute
 CTestableA components that wraps a GameObject and can be used to invoke Unity event functions on components found on the GameObject using reflection
 CAnyRepresents a value of type T that can be assigned through Unity's inspector as well as serialized by its serializer
 CInitOnResetAttributeWhen a component that derives from MonoBehaviour<> and has the InitOnResetAttribute is first added to a GameObject in the editor, or when the user hits the Reset button in the Inspector's context menu, the arguments accepted by the component are automatically gathered and passed to its IInitializable<>.Init function
 CEditorCoroutineRepresents a coroutine that has been started running in the editor
 CEditorCoroutineRunnerClass that can be used for starting and stopping coroutines in the editor even in edit mode
 CInitArgumentsNotReceivedExceptionThe exception that is thrown when arguments have been provided for an object being initialized but it fails to receive them
 CMissingInitArgumentsExceptionThe exception that is thrown when attempting to create an instance of an object that implements an IArgs<> interface without having provided the arguments that it requires
 CGameObjectExtensionsExtensions methods for GameObject that can be used to add components that implement one of the IArgs interfaces with the required dependencies passed to the clone's Init function
 CGameObjectT1ExtensionsExtensions methods for initializing GameObject<TComponent> objects
 CGameObjectT2ExtensionsExtensions methods for initializing GameObject<TFirstComponent, TSecondComponent> objects
 CGameObjectT3ExtensionsExtensions methods for initializing GameObject<TFirstComponent, TSecondComponent, TThirdComponent> objects
 CObjectExtensionsExtensions methods for Object that can be used to instantiate new copies Objects that implement one of the IArgs interfaces with the required dependencies passed to the clone's Init function
 CSystemObjectExtensionsExtensions methods for all objects that can be used to check that they exist in a way that handles Object.Destroy destroyed Objects properly
 CComponentsRepresents a pair of components that exist on the same GameObject
 CGameObjectBuilder for creating a new GameObject with a component of type TComponent
 CGameObjectWithInit1Of3DoneBuilder for creating a new GameObject with three components
 CGameObjectWithInit2Of3DoneBuilder for creating a new GameObject with three components
 CUninitializedGameObjectBuilder for creating a new GameObject with two components
 CIInitializerRepresents an object that can can specify the arguments used to initialize objects that implement one of the IInitializable<> interfaces
 CInitializerA base class for a component that can can specify the argument used to initialize an object that implements IInitializable<TArgument>
 CWrapperInitializerA base class for a component that can specify the argument used to initialize an object which then gets wrapped by a Wrapper<TWrapped> component
 CIArgsRepresents an object which can receive an argument of type TArgument as part of its initialization process
 CIOneArgumentRepresents an object which can receive one argument as part of its initialization process
 CITwoArgumentsRepresents an object which can receive two arguments as part of its initialization process
 CIThreeArgumentsRepresents an object which can receive three arguments as part of its initialization process
 CIFourArgumentsRepresents an object which can receive four arguments as part of its initialization process
 CIFiveArgumentsRepresents an object which can receive five arguments as part of its initialization process
 CIFirstArgumentRepresents an object which can receive at least one argument as part of its initialization process, with the first one being an object of type TFirstArgument
 CISecondArgumentRepresents an object which can receive at least two arguments as part of its initialization process, with the second one being an object of type TSecondArgument
 CIThirdArgumentRepresents an object which can receive at least three arguments as part of its initialization process, with the third one being an object of type TThirdArgument
 CIFourthArgumentRepresents an object which can receive at least four arguments as part of its initialization process, with the fourth one being an object of type TFourthArgument
 CIFifthArgumentRepresents an object which can receive at least five arguments as part of its initialization process, with the fifth one being an object of type TFifthArgument
 CIAwakeDefines a class that wants to receive a callback during the Awake event function of the MonoBehaviour that wraps it
 CIFixedUpdateDefines a class that can subscribe to receive a callback during the FixedUpdate event function
 CIInitializableRepresents an object which can be initialized using an argument of type TArgument
 CILateUpdateDefines a class that can subscribe to receive a callback during the LateUpdate event function
 CIOnDestroyDefines a class that wants to receive a callback during the OnDestroy event function of the MonoBehaviour that wraps it
 CIOnDisableDefines a class that wants to receive a callback during the OnDisable event function of the MonoBehaviour that wraps it
 CIOnEnableDefines a class that wants to receive a callback during the OnEnable event function of the MonoBehaviour that wraps it
 CIServiceProviderRepresents a class responsible for providing service objects on request to any to any clients that need them
 CIStartDefines a class that wants to receive a callback during the Start event function of the MonoBehaviour that wraps it
 CIUpdateDefines a class that can subscribe to receive a callback during the Update event function
 CIValueProviderRepresents an object that can provide a Value of type T on demand
 CMonoBehaviourA base class for MonoBehaviours that can be instantiated or added to a GameObject with an argument passed to the Init function of the created instance
 CCreateMethods that can be used to instantiate new copies Objects that implement one of the IArgs interfaces with the required dependencies passed to the clone's Init function
 CScriptableObjectA base class for ScriptableObjects that can be created or instantiated with an argument passed to the Init function of the created instance
 CServiceClass that can provide a shared instance of any class that has the ServiceAttribute on demand
 CEditorServiceAttributeClasses that have the EditorServiceAttribute can provide services for one or more client objects in the editor in edit mode
 CServiceAttributeClasses that have the ServiceAttribute can provide services for one or more client objects
 CServiceProviderClass that can provide an instance of any class that has the ServiceAttribute on demand
 CServiceUtilityUtility class responsible for providing information about services
 CUpdaterClass responsible for broadcasting the IUpdate.Update, ILateUpdate.LateUpdate and IFixedUpdate.FixedUpdate events to subscribers during the corresponding Unity event functions
 CFindUtility class for finding instances in the scene
 CFlagsValuesHelper class that lists all valid values that an int-backed bit field enumeration type can have.
 CInitArgsUtility class containing methods related to providing and retrieving arguments for objects that implement one of the IArgs interfaces such as MonoBehaviour<TArgument> and ScriptableObject<TArgument>
 CICoroutineRunnerRepresents an object that can start and stop coroutines running
 CICoroutinesRepresents an object that can start and stop coroutines
 CICoroutinesExtensionsExtension methods for objects that implement ICoroutines
 CIWrapperRepresents an Object that acts as a simple wrapper for a plain old class object of type TWrapped
 CScriptableWrapperA base class for ScriptableObjects that act as simple wrappers for plain old class objects
 CWrapperA base class for MonoBehaviours that act as simple wrappers for plain old class objects