All the Property Drawers that exist in your project are automatically integrated into Power Inspector.
01. Introduction
02. Who Is Power Inspector for?
04. How Is All This Even Possible?
02. Installation
02. Recommended Project Settings
03. Getting Started
01. Opening The Power Inspector Window
02. Using The Power Inspector Window
04. Features
24. Nonuniform Multi-Target Value Adjustments
25. Categorized Components Mode
26. Improved Add Component Button
05. Enhanced Drawers
06. Attributes
07. Preferences
Auto-Resize Prefix Labels Interval
Categorized Components: Component Categories
Categorized Components: Default Component Category
Categorized Components: Enable Categorized Components
Categorized Components: Generate From Add Component Menu
Change Folded State On First Click
Create Script Wizard: Add Comments
Create Script Wizard: Add Comments As Summary
Create Script Wizard: Curly Braces On New Line
Create Script Wizard: Using Namespace Options
Default Add Component Menu Name
Default Inspector: Enhance Field Context Menu
Default Inspector: Enhance Unity Object Context Menu
Enable Tooltips From Xml Comments
In One-At-A-Time Mode Auto-Unfold First
Max Auto-Sized Prefix Column Width
Messages: Display Duration Per Word
Messages: Max Display Duration
Messages: Message Display Method
Messages: Min Display Duration
Mouseover Effects: Header Button
Mouseover Effects: Prefix Label
Mouseover Effects: Prefix Label Tint
Mouseover Effects: Unity Object Header
Mouseover Effects: Unity Object Header Tint
Override Custom Editor Field Focusing
Popup Menus Scroll To Active Item
Simple Properties In Debug Mode
Transform Drawer: Position Label
Transform Drawer: Rotation Label
Transform Drawer: Tint XYZ Labels
08. Compatibility
Compatibility With Custom Editors
Compatibility With Decorator Drawers
Compatibility with Extended Transform Editor
Compatibility With Hierarchy Plus
Compatibility With Hierarchy PRO
Compatibility with Odin Inspector
Compatibility With Property Drawers
Compatibility With Script Inspector 3
09. Troubleshooting
10. Extending Power Inspector
01. Referencing Code in Power Inspector
03. Context Menu Debugging Items
09. Modifying Existing Drawers
11. Creating New Toolbar Items