05. Search Box

  04. Features No Comments

The search box (also known as the filter field) can be used to input keywords, which are then used to filter which drawers within the viewport are shown.

There are several different methods of searching, which you can specify by adding a special prefix before the search keyword.

Search By Label

Use the prefix “L:” to only show drawers whose label contains the keyword.

Example: “l:position” or “l:position.x”

Search By Type

Use the prefix “T:” to only show drawers whose type name contains the keyword.

Example: “t:vector3” or “t:system.obj”

Search By Value

Use the prefix “V:” to only show drawers whose value (converted to text) contains the keyword.

Example: “v:null” or “v:true”

General Search

If you don’t add any special prefix to your filter, then drawers whose label, type OR value contains the keyword are shown.

Example: “position” or “leftarrow”

Search With Multiple Keywords

The search input may contain multiple keywords separated by a space character (’ ‘).
In this case, drawers are only shown if they pass filtering tests against all of the keywords.

Example: “camera depth” or “enum left”.

Search For Exact Match

If you want to search using exact matching instead of partial matching, you can do so by wrapping your search keywords inside quotation marks (“).
This works with by label, by type, by value and general searches.

Example: l:”x” or “Time Scale”

Search For Class

Use the prefix “C:” to search for a class whose name matches the given keyword exactly, and list all of its static members.

Example: “c:Time” or “c:UnityEngine.Time”

Search In Scene

Use the prefix “S:” to search for Unity Objects in the current scene whose type name matches the given keyword exactly and display their data in the inspector view.

Pro tip: You can combine a scene search keyword with other keywords to quickly list specific class members from anywhere in the scene.

Example: “s:Camera” or “s:Light intensity”

Search In Assets

Use the prefix “A:” to search for assets in your project folders whose file name includes the search filter and display their data in the inspector view.

Example: “c:Time” or “c:UnityEngine.Time”

Search For Window

Use the prefix “W:” to find a currently open EditorWindow whose type name matches the given keyword exactly and display its data in the inspector view.
This can be useful for debugging EditorWindows you are developing, especially if you also activate Debug Mode+.

You can use the EditorWindow Debugger view menu item to see a list of all currently open windows.

Example: “w:MyEditorWindow” or “c:GameView”

Search Inside Collapsed Data Structures

During searching drawers matching the keyword are fetched from all data structures (Components, arrays, classes, structs) inside the viewport, even ones that are collapsed.

Search Inside Custom Editors

Searching also works for data inside Components and assets that use Custom Editors. In this case the Custom Editor is temporarily bypassed, and the searching takes place using the public fields and properties of the target Object instead.

Parents And Members Listed

When drawers pass the filtering test, their parent and member drawers are also shown.