Determines the keyboard shortcuts for various commands in Power Inspector.
Keyboard shortcuts can be configured for the following items:
Resets the values of targets of selected drawers to their default values.
Default Shortcut: Backspace
Sets the values of targets of selected drawers to random ones.
Default Shortcut: Ctrl + R
Duplicates the targets of the selected drawers.
When used on a collection element drawer, duplicates the target elements on the containing collections.
When used on a component drawer, duplicates the target components on the containing GameObjects.
Default Shortcut: Ctrl + D
Next Field
Moves keyboard focus to the next field. This can be used even when editing text fields.
Default Shortcut: Ctrl + I / Tab
Prev Field
Moves keyboard focus to the previous field. This can be used even when editing text fields.
Default Shortcut: Ctrl + Shift + I / Shift + Tab
Next Field Up
Moves keyboard focus to the next control in the upward direction. This can be used even when editing text fields, unlike the right arrow key.
Default Shortcut: Alt + Up Arrow
Next Field Left
Moves keyboard focus to the next control to the left. This can be used even when editing text fields, unlike the right arrow key.
Default Shortcut: Alt + Left Arrow
Next Field Down
Moves keyboard focus to the next control in the downward direction. This can be used even when editing text fields, unlike the right arrow key.
Default Shortcut: Alt + Down Arrow
Next Field Right
Moves keyboard focus to the next control to the right. This can be used even when editing text fields, unlike the right arrow key.
Default Shortcut: Alt + Right Arrow
Prev Component
Moves keyboard focus to the previous component drawer.
If the currently focused drawer is the first Component drawer of a GameObject drawer, then moves focus to the GameObject drawer.
If the currently focused drawer is a GameObject drawer, then moves focus to the next GameObject in the hierarchy.
Default Shortcut: Ctrl + Up Arrow
Next Component
Moves keyboard focus to the next component.
Default Shortcut: Ctrl + Down Arrow
Prev Of Type
Moves keyboard focus to the previous Unity Object of same type as the currently focused on.
Default Shortcut: Ctrl + Left Arrow
Next Of Type
Moves keyboard focus to the next Unity Object of same type as the currently selected inside the inspector view.
Default Shortcut: Ctrl + Right Arrow
Collapse Recursively
Collapses focused parent drawer and also all its collapsible member drawers.
Default Shortcut: Alt + Left Arrow
Uncollapse Recursively
Unfolds focused parent drawer and also all its unfoldable member drawers.
Default Shortcut: Alt + Right Arrow
Add Component
Opens the Add Component menu for the focused GameObject drawer.
Default Shortcut: Ctrl + T
Step Back In Selection History
Move back to previously inspected target. This has the same effect as clicking the back button on the Power Inspector toolbar.
Default Shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow
Step Forward In Selection History
Move forward to previously inspected target. This has the same effect as clicking the forward button on the Power Inspector toolbar.
Default Shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + Right Arrow
Open Navigate Back Menu
Opens the navigation history menu in the backward direction. This has the same effect as right-clicking the back button on the Power Inspector toolbar.
Default Shortcut: Alt + Shift + Left Arrow
Open Navigate Forward Menu
Opens the navigation history menu in the forward direction. This has the same effect as right-clicking the forward button on the Power Inspector toolbar.
Default Shortcut: Alt + Shift + Right Arrow
Toggle Split View
Opens a new split view in the focused inspector drawer, or if view is already split, closes the currently focused view.
Default Shortcut: Alt + Space
Close Selected View
Closes the focused inspector view.
Default Shortcut: Ctrl + W
Refreshes the contents of the focused inspector view.
Default Shortcut: F5
Initiates the default action of the currently focused drawer.
Default Shortcut: Return / Keypad Enter
Scroll To Top
Moves the scroll view of the focused inspector view to the top.
Default Shortcut: Home
Scroll To Bottom
Moves the scroll view of the focused inspector view to the bottom.
Default Shortcut: Home
Scroll Page Up
Moves the scroll view of the focused inspector view upwards one large step.
Default Shortcut: Page Up
Scroll Page Down
Moves the scroll view of the focused inspector view downwards one large step.
Default Shortcut: Page Down