Domain Reloading = Reinitialization Power Inspector can take a few moments to initialize when script domains are reloaded, because it needs to rebuild its databases to reflect what types currently exist in the project. Play Mode By default domain reloading takes place every time that you enter play mode. However, it is thankfully possible to ..
Author : Timo Naskali
The Problem You have exposed some fields in Power Inspector using an attribute like ShowInInspector or SerializeField. However, whenever you enter play mode or restart unity all the changes you’ve made to these fields are lost. The Reason Power Inspector will display any field that contains the aforementioned attributes, but this does not necessarily mean ..
List of properties that should never be shown inside the inspector view, even in Debug Mode+. If you have any properties where calling their get accessor might result in unwanted side effects in edit mode or play mode, then you will probably want to add them to this list. If you have a lot of ..
True (Default) All properties with a get and set accessor will be visualized just like fields are in Debug Mode+. False All properties, except for auto-properties, will default to using a special drawer in Debug Mode+ where the user needs to specifically press a button to get or set the value. This is the safer ..
The drawer for numeric fields that contain the Range attribute or and fields and properties with the new PRange attribute has been enhanced with a new tooltip that tells you exactly what the value will be set to if you should click at a specific point on t..
Pinging refers to the displaying and highlighting of an Unity Object either in the hierarchy of project view. This occurs for example when you click an Object reference field. In Power Inspector you can also ping Objects by middle-clicking headers of Unity Object drawers inside the inspector view. What Object gets pinged and in which view depends ..
Determines whether an eyedropper icon should be drawn for all Object reference fields. The eyedropper tool can be used to select Object by clicking at them in the scene view, hierarchy view, project view or inside Power Inspector. True (Default) An icon for activating the eyedropper tool is drawn on Object reference fields. False An ..
Attribute that specifies that targeted string type class member should be drawn in the inspector using the specified GUIStyle. Attribute Target Field or property. Example using UnityEngine; using Sisus; using Sisus.Attributes; public class StickyNote : MonoBehaviour { [Style(“VCS_StickyNote”), TextArea] public string note = “(Add note here)”; } Exam..
Attribute that can be used to specify which drawer should be responsible for drawing the target class or class member in the inspector. When you add this attribute to a class member, that class member will be drawn using the specified drawer, but only inside the class that holds the class member. When you add ..
Attribute that can be used to make class member that follows the attribute be shown in the inspector. Unlike Unity’s built-in SerializeField and SerializeReference attributes this can also be used to display non-serialized fields. It also supports exposing properties and methods in addition to fields. For more information see the display anything feature page. Note: ..